To provide a very high standard of general eye and also subspecialist eye services.
ESC provide general cataract and comprehensive ophthalmology, external eye diseases, vitreo-retinal, glaucoma, general paediatric ophthalmology and oculoplastic services.
ESC is a modern ambulatory surgical centre with computer clinic management system with computerized medical records and comprehensively equipped with modern ophthalmic equipment.
We have:
Among the vast array of highly specialized eye equipment at the Eye Specialist Centre are:
and we strive to constantly update and add new cutting edge equipment as necessary.
i) University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
There is collaboration in research, teaching and also UNIMAS Eye Specialists can practise in Eye Specialist Centre after signing of MOA on 20 April 2016.
ii) Timberland Medical Centre (TMC)
iii) Tiong Eye Specialist Clinic at (TMC)